The hearts of the people that make this space what it is…. PURE GOLD YA’LL.

My “why” is so much bigger than just me.

When I was younger, I’ll be honest, I mainly worked out for surface level reasons. I wanted to look a certain way, fit into certain clothes, and portray a certain image. My fitness journey used to be all about me. But as I’ve learned, we weren’t created to glorify ourselves. We were actually made to be the very best version of ourselves for more that just ourselves… as ironic as that sounds. If I’ve learned anything through the years, it’s that the best things happen when we take our eyes off ourselves. It’s when we look UP that life begins & transformation actually starts to take place.

I started coming to the studio when I was 25 weeks pregnant and @studionovofranklin has become an answered prayer that I didn’t even know to pray for. It has been an outlet in my life that has helped prepare me for motherhood both mentally and physically. Plus, God knew I needed Lagree considering my child is in the 98th percentile for weight haha! I want to be a mother who has the energy, presentness, and stamina for those long days & nights with my precious baby that I know I’ll never get back. I hope I can look back on this season and say that my eyes weren’t on me, but on my family, community, and most importantly Jesus. That makes a 50 minute, high intensity workout a lot more than just a class for me.

My encouragement would be to join me in finding a “why” outside of yourself and see the transformation that comes out of THAT place 🙌🏻
Incredibly thankful for this studio & each trainer that creates the safest place to become more of who we were created to BE.

- Morgan Krueger




OUR MISSION: beTrue. beFormed