Hey TRUEFORM Fam! This is me- Rachel Klarer Stevenson. Come to one of my classes to burn off the stress and get refocused on your TrueFORM. My fitness journey began about 20 years ago. It started with Tae Bo. That is when I fell in love with group classes and the accountability it brought into my workout.

We grow that here. I have been a personal trainer and fitness instructor for close to 15 years. As a distance runner and avid tennis player, I needed a workout that slowed me down and centered my thoughts onto my form and strength, and Lagree does just that.

With the high intensity, low impact movements, the focus really becomes growing stronger, as well as channeling the mind, body connection. I am a believer, a wife, and a mom of 3 wild and crazy boys as well as one beautiful baby girl, that loves to dance. They have all my heart. When I am not at the studio you will find me on the tennis court or hanging on the sidelines cheering on my family & people!!!