“It is so important to motivate yourself in small ways each and every day not only to create a healthy lifestyle, but also give yourself grace. ”
As a teenager, my mom used to leave handwritten Bible verses or motivational notes on my bathroom mirror. It was a sweet gesture that I appreciated, but I didn't realize the big impact those small notes had on me. Now, after graduating college and navigating life as a young entrepreneur, I find myself needing similar reminders. Pursuing my passion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, + still enjoying being a fun + young 22 year old sometimes feels like I am failing in at least one category.
“But there are some things that you cannot be sure of. You must take a chance. If you wait for perfect weather, you will never plant your seeds. If you are afraid that every cloud will bring rain, you will never harvest your crops.” - Ecclesiastes 11:4
This verse feels like a breath of fresh air. This is a wonderful reminder that in my season of life failing is not wrong, but a reminder that it is okay to take chances and chase your dreams even if everything is not aligning as you would hope for.
As I've grown, I've come to cherish the little things in life. I've started writing my own motivational quotes and Bible verses on my mirror. It has helped me slow down, which, despite sounding cliché, is essential. For me, slowing down means:
Joining a supportive community
Having meaningful conversations + friendships
Sticking to daily non-negotiables (movement, journaling, hydrating)
Setting attainable business goals = smaller + more often!
These small practices bring me peace knowing that it is okay that I am still figuring out how to balance this new season of life. It is so important to motivate yourself in small ways each and every day not only to create a healthy lifestyle, but also give yourself grace.
I have been a part of the True Form community for a little over a year now, and it is safe to say this is a community that meets you where you are, a place where you can have intentional friendships, + where you become inspired by other women and their goals. Exactly the place where you truly can find ways to “slow down” in your day to day life.
Nothing brings me more joy than heading into the studio and running into genuine friends that I have grown to know and love, but that they also do the same in return.
written by Meryl Owen, @merylowen on IG (!)